What is now proved was once only imagined
The majority of published authors are men. Guardian books editor Claire Armitstead suggests that this is partly due to a lack of...
Introducing the Real You
92/365 Breathe, by Martina K. Dear 13-Year-Old Saskia, Thirteen is a big year for you. You will have your first kiss, your parents will...
Am I Pretty?
They decorate me like a Christmas Tree. Then, they say, “You are so pretty.” But then I say, “No, No, No.” Then they put a big fat bow on...
Taking Charge of the Media — Amplifying the Stories of Afghan-American Teen Girls
“What is this word, media?” whispered the girl sitting next to me. I took a deep breath and looked into the expectant faces of seven...
Advice Project Media Workshop at Women for Afghan Women
Today it was an honor to lead an Advice Project workshop with some of the young women at Women for Afghan Women! Together, we read some...
It all works out
The Lonely Stroll (Denmark #29 Tornby Strand), by Nelson L. Dear Thirteen-Year-Old Naama, The first thing I want to tell you is that it...
Try going to bed with a mosquito in your room.
Mosquito, by Enrique Dans Dear Brielle, During the course of your life you will find a lot of portrayals of specific types people in the...
You are your own fighter!
Believe, by Kyla Borg Dear Destiny, What are your dreams? Have you thought about them lately? I know in the past you wanted to be an...
A Story About the Importance of Educating Girls: Naheed Bahram, Program Director for Women for Afgha
It was a great privilege last week to meet with Advice to My Thirteen-Year-Old Self contributor and New York Program Director for Women...
I'm a human being, not a stereotype
Break the Stereotype, by Jennifer Wu Dear Lili, Stereotypes – sometimes you use them, but more often you just hear them. White girls are...