Try going to bed with a mosquito in your room.
Mosquito, by Enrique Dans Dear Brielle, During the course of your life you will find a lot of portrayals of specific types people in the...
You are your own fighter!
Believe, by Kyla Borg Dear Destiny, What are your dreams? Have you thought about them lately? I know in the past you wanted to be an...
A Story About the Importance of Educating Girls: Naheed Bahram, Program Director for Women for Afgha
It was a great privilege last week to meet with Advice to My Thirteen-Year-Old Self contributor and New York Program Director for Women...
I'm a human being, not a stereotype
Break the Stereotype, by Jennifer Wu Dear Lili, Stereotypes – sometimes you use them, but more often you just hear them. White girls are...
Education will provide you with a strong sense of purpose.
Dearest Thirteen-Year-Old Aelya, I almost didn’t write to you. Not because I didn’t think you’d benefit from a letter like this, but...