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Bring back the color in your life with hope.

Colors, by Yuri Levchenko

Dear 13-Year-Old Dawilda:

I wish I could have been the person you needed at thirteen. Your real journey is only beginning. This is the road where you will figure out who you really are. The chance for you to decide if you want to stand out or fit in, speak up or remain in silence, and take charge or allow others to control your life. Whatever you decide, always believe in yourself and never lose your courage. There will be many occasions when fear will make you feel distraught, but try to understand that it is like a fictional story and only exists in your imagination, so don’t let being fearful stop you in the real world.

Learning is an adventure. Find things you’re interested in and go for them! Discover. Learn. Achieve. You must understand that sometimes you might be alone in the decisions you make but that’s okay. It is a known fact that the adult life will catch your attention more and more. Don’t rush into growing up. There will be plenty of time for you to have a job, attend parties and be a mom. Enjoy every moment of your teens because you can’t turn back time.

Bring back the color in your life with hope! Look ahead of you with positivity and kindness. Everything you do in life affects those around you, like the domino effect. Bad experiences will shape you into a wiser and stronger person. Good experiences will reward you for coming so far.

I just want you to be the best you can be. I don’t want you to give up because you fail on you first attempt. Stay determined and persistent that way you will stick around long enough to encounter your own success. Your hard work will all be worth it in the end. Those that love you will cheer for all your triumphs. Your family will always love you and be there for you even if at times ya’ clash heads. Over time, you will learn that it is better to have a few genuine friends than a bunch of fake ones. Finally, stay true to yourself and never let go of your faith. That will be the backbone in your life’s journey.

With love,



My name is Dawilda Rodriguez and I’m 21 years old. I was born in the Dominican Republic but raised in the Bronx, New York. I lost the idea that life is “perfect-and problem-free-and-full-of-joy-with-no-evil-or-wrongdoing” at a very young age and really started to see the world just for what it is. I developed hobbies such as drawing, writing poems and I kept a diary. Among friends and family, even at a young age, I became the go-to-girl, the one to talk to and confide in – the one who gave advice. During high school, I was completely clueless about what career path to take. One thing I was certain of is that I envisioned myself as professionally dressed and self-sufficient. Contemplating taking a break after high school, one morning while at a court trial, what I saw caused a powerful spark in me. Almost instantly I knew that this was the career path I want to take: Court Reporting. This led me to be a student at the New York Career Institute in Manhattan.

Although my life has had trials and turbulences, I still keep a positive viewpoint and work towards my career goals. Going at my own pace as a student, I’ve rediscovered how much I enjoy writing. I live my life full of goals and aspirations. I want to one day write a book, live my career dream, and continue helping others along the way.

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