You will preach in cathedrals
After sixteen years campaigning for the Church of England to allow women to become priests, Angela Berners-Wilson technically became the...
Contributors to Advice to My Thirteen Year Old Self
I had worked in educational programs for many years with youth before it dawned on me that there was an absence of women's voices in the...
You will live through this
According to the World Health Organization, over 800,000 people die to suicide every year, and there are many more who attempt suicide....
Learning from our human and elephant brothers and sisters
Sangduen “Lek” Chailert was born in 1962 in the small hill tribe village of Baan Lao, two hours north of Chiang Mai in northern Thailand....
Pushing boundaries all the way to the South Pole
People have always felt an urge to explore the unknown and push the boundaries of what we believe is humanly possible. Neil Armstrong,...
You have not "attracted the wrath of demons" by menstruating
Nearly half of the humans on this planet are born with female biology, which means that roughly 3.5 billion girls and women will...
What is now proved was once only imagined
The majority of published authors are men. Guardian books editor Claire Armitstead suggests that this is partly due to a lack of...
Instruments of change, not tools of war
For 23 years, the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) terrorized Northern Uganda with physical and psychological torture. Under the leadership...
From geek to superhero
Before the early 1960s, Emirati women were given very few opportunities to work outside of the home. Since then, the commercial...
A Story About the Importance of Educating Girls: Naheed Bahram, Program Director for Women for Afgha
It was a great privilege last week to meet with Advice to My Thirteen-Year-Old Self contributor and New York Program Director for Women...